I went on the hunt for a study into female responses to pain and swearing. None. And yet I came across a whole plethora of linguistic, gender studies, organisational psychology, even politeness research (?) studies into gender differences in swearing.
Now, you may have noticed, I’m a big fan of swearing. I think it’s an important linguistic tactic. Plus, it is both big and clever. I love the fact that Armando Iannucci sends the scripts of The Thick of It to a ‘swear man’ who put more swearing into it.
However, if readers of this blog are true to form, you should be rather alarmed by my swearing and indeed think that this signifies my lack of morality. Of course, if you think that you can get tae fuck.
Culture and expectations tend to mitigate against women's use of obscenity. Swearing is seen as an aggressive and masculine thing to do and therefore sweary women are seen as transgressing gender norms. Indeed, studies show that women are judged more harshly for swearing than men (de Klerk 1992, 1997).
Swearing is also associated with lower socioeconomic groupings and/or working-class culture. A study by Elizabeth Gordon, found that in addition to the expected judgments of lower social status, female ‘non-standard speakers’ were additionally perceived to be of lower moral standing, on the basis of their vernacular usage (slang as well as swearing). So not only am I a gobshite, I’m a filthy, loose gobshite.
I admit to using swearing in a consciously gendered way. Just for shits and giggles. Calling men bitches, women wankers and requesting people suck my dick is part of my one-woman crusade to break down the gendered distribution of swear words. This isn’t unrealistic as apparently “terms like bitch and sow, were first used of males (or of both sexes) and only later applied exclusively to women”.
So could it be that the cultural norms that restrict women’s potty mouths could be doing them out of pain-relief? If you’re a woman and frequently find yourself frustrated, banging your legs on corners of tables or burning yourself with your cigarette – let out a screaming ‘fuck’. It’ll do you good on so many levels.
And on a positive note, girls swear as much as boys on MySpace - progress of sorts!
Plus, according to the Neuroreport paper, it may be more true for non-catastrophising men.
"Swearing increased pain tolerance, increased heart rate and decreased perceived pain compared with not swearing. However, swearing did not increase pain tolerance in males with a tendency to catastrophise. The observed pain-lessening (hypoalgesic) effect may occur because swearing induces a fight-or-flight response and nullifies the link between fear of pain and pain perception."
Posted too soon - in the Daily Mail account, there is this claim from Dr Richard Stephens (research leader) and the news that there is a society for the appreciation of casual swearing:
"For those who think that the results may give a green card to turning the air blue, Dr Stephens did, however, have a word of warning.
'If they want to use this pain-lessening effect to their advantage they need to do less casual swearing and only do it when they really need it.'
Rohan Byrt, spokesman for the Casual Swearing Appreciation Society, said he thought the study was the first time swearing's benefits had been proved.
He said:'"I've always thought that swearing does have some real therapeutic merit.
'Even for those who consider themselves clean spoken, the odd swear word will just slip out. For me, it's almost a natural instinct, a gut reaction'"
Coincidentally enough, I also heard discussion on Radio 4 this morning about the use of epidural anaesthetic during childbirth, with a senior male midwife claiming that it's overused, and a lot of women basically telling him to try pushing a melon out of his urethra without anaesthetic, or else shut up.
I've heard many times that women in childbirth swear to high heaven (and who would blame them?), but now we know that it's also helping them deal with the pain. Hurrah.
re: child birth, the problem was clearly that some women were trying to give birth through the urethra.
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