I LOVE the Daily Show and I LOVE Jon Stewart. It is frankly, where I get all of my information about American politics. I watch Fox News for the laughs. Anyway, inspired by After Elton which did a great round-up of Daily Show
Greatest Gay Moments, I thought I'd put together a Top Ten Great Science Moments list.
This is by no means exhaustive and it would be easy to sub-divide and do a Top Ten Evolution clips, Top Ten Bush-being-stupid-about-science or Top Ten Woo (which I may well do). But here are some of my favs....
- John Oliver on the evil that is the Large Haldron Collider.
- Just to remind us of the bad ol' days: science under Bush
Otherwise known as The Endarkenment (ref. David Colquhoun)
- THIS is the kind of science communicators we need. The amazing Neil deGrasse Tyson
Also watch an earlier interview with him here.
- Stem cell research, only slightly more crazy debate in the US than here
- Michelle Obama promotes organic propaganda. Or not.
- In the bicentenery year of Darwin's birth and 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species, let's have a bit of dinosaur-denying
BTW, I didn't know about the Scopes Monkey Trial before watching this film. If you don't either, here's the wiki on it.
- Ah, we were so optimistic about Mars missions in the olden days
And look you can have actual scientists on mainstream TV and people will be interested.
- Theories based on evidence vs theories based on Discovery Channel documentaries slug it out
- A little more optimism as scientists advise and enter the Obama administration
Very interesting interview about science/public policy interface.
And for another Nobel Laurate actually in the Obama cabinet, an interview withSecretary Steven Chu. More importantly a member of the Nerds of America Society.
- Finally, the critical question is who owns space
Feel free to add your favourites if I've missed them....
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